We get it. You're sick of being blinded by excessively bright headlights. We are too. That's why we created OwMyEyes.
The problem is that not only are these headlights not illegal, they are actually being encouraged. This problem will get worse before it gets better.
In the United States, automobile headlights are regulated by the National Highway Traffic Safety Agency, NHTSA. NHTA regulates headlight brightness (specifically luminance) in FMVSS 108 Table XIX.
Table XIX contains brightness limits (measured in candela) for many different types of headlight (top) and at various different test points (left).
Almost all modern cars must meet the LB2V requirements.
Notice that compared to other requirements, specifically older LB1M requirements, LB2V different test points and different brightness limits. Some of the test points in LB1M have no "Maximum Photometric Intensity" limits, including test points "HV" and" 0.5D-1.5 to L" and "0.5D-1.5R". Test point HV is directly in front of the headlight and 0.5D is half a degree down from the headlight mounting height. Both test points now have dashes instead of limits. NHTSA has confirmed that dashes mean there is no upper limit to brightness.
In a vehicle with low mounted headlights, these regions will hit your eye over hills, bumps, but in a vehicle with high mounted headlights (think these post-CAFE standards large truck / ego-haulers), headlights are mounted at eye-level and will hit your eyes all the time.
Put another way, properly aimed headlight from a new truck with headlights mounted eye-level of a sedan driver, have NO LEGAL UPPER LIMIT to how much light they can beam into your eyes.
It also means that NHTSA is very well aware of the scenario of a tall vehicle behind you, blinding you in your rear view mirror. They have made a deliberate and conscience decision that their right to see outweighs your right to not be blinded.
I don't accept that others have the right to blind me any more than they have the right to physically assault me.
OwMyEyes: Light the Road. Not My Face.