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Headlight Advocacy Donation

Headlight Advocacy Donation

Regular price $5.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $5.00 USD
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OwMyEyes engages in research and outreach solely focused on the issue of overly bright automotive headlights. You donation will help us step up our advocacy efforts and will be used for: 1. improved testing and video equipment 2. on-road headlight testing to determine the frequency and CAUSE of excessively bright headlights 3. Advertisements and advocacy address at NHTSA, IIHS and the US Congress to address this issue We would rather sell no "OwMyEyes" related products and have this problem fixed at the regulatory level than have everyone have an OwMyEyes. Seriously. OwMyEyes mitigates a problem that shouldn't exist. Our long-term goal is to completely eliminate the need for OwMyEyes.
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